Sunday, October 2, 2016

Week 3 Self-Critique

For the Bokeh assignment, I took several pictures that I liked. This piece is one of my favorites, but wasn't the one I chose to submit.
Dusk Bloom
I really love the Bokeh effect. Through the lighting isn't as bright as I'd like, the time of day provided a beautiful backdrop of colors. Now, on to the evaluation!
Description: A Bokeh image of a blooming flower during the final hours of the evening.
Analysis: The shape of the flower is clear, while the colors behind it focus in the eye on the subject. The texture of the flower petals is nicely captured. The photo is well balanced with the subject right in the center with a circle of lighter valued hues surrounding it. The picture also has a sense of unity with the color blending together so well. Though, I wish the subject had more emphasis rather than blending a bit into the background.
Interpretation: It almost looks as through the flower is spouting light purple smoke from its center. Perhaps the message is that the world seems to darken all around us sometimes, but we all have a fire within us that will glow it we release it.
Evaluation: This is a quality shot with subject in focus while the background is blurred in a synthetic Bokeh effect.

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