Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Coming to a Close?

Hello, world! With photography class coming to a close soon, I don't know if I'll be blogging much anymore. I'd be happy to post an update or so with whatever art or photos I've taken recently. Comment below if you'd like to see that! :) Anyways, here's the two photos from the previous two units.

This first one I took while hiking during a vacation to Bear Lake. The colors of the aspens were so vibrant and beautiful that I couldn't resist using one of the pictures for our Splash of Color assignment.

This piece is called "Music Grows" and it was for our Juxtaposition assignment. I wanted to demonstrate that music can bring life and light into someone's life so why not share it.The picture of the guitar is one I took, but the grass is an image from Google.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Week 5 Self-Critique

The final image to critique is from the light painting assignment. I loved playing with light and hope to do more of these kind of pictures in the future.
Contrasting Forces
I wished I could've experimented more when doing the light painting, but plan to find more time to play around later. We just finished remodeling our basement, so a lot of our stuff is in storage. With my limited, resources, space, and time, I'm surprised I got as many awesome photos as I did. XD Final critique, I choose you! Go!
Description: Two light sources wildly curving around the image.
Analysis: Clear line are formed from these two bright colors. While these colors usually contrast distastefully, in this shot, then blend together as if one source that changes colors as it moves across the image. This creates unity and movement. This piece isn't as balanced as it could be. There is a black area to the left that should be cropped away to help focus the eye on the light.
Interpretation: Many things of the world rub against each the wrong way, such as bright purple and green. But this image illustrates how anything, and everything can create something amazing if they work together in the right way.
Evaluation: The image is clear and is a quality example of light painting.

Week 3 Self-Critique

For the Bokeh assignment, I took several pictures that I liked. This piece is one of my favorites, but wasn't the one I chose to submit.
Dusk Bloom
I really love the Bokeh effect. Through the lighting isn't as bright as I'd like, the time of day provided a beautiful backdrop of colors. Now, on to the evaluation!
Description: A Bokeh image of a blooming flower during the final hours of the evening.
Analysis: The shape of the flower is clear, while the colors behind it focus in the eye on the subject. The texture of the flower petals is nicely captured. The photo is well balanced with the subject right in the center with a circle of lighter valued hues surrounding it. The picture also has a sense of unity with the color blending together so well. Though, I wish the subject had more emphasis rather than blending a bit into the background.
Interpretation: It almost looks as through the flower is spouting light purple smoke from its center. Perhaps the message is that the world seems to darken all around us sometimes, but we all have a fire within us that will glow it we release it.
Evaluation: This is a quality shot with subject in focus while the background is blurred in a synthetic Bokeh effect.

Week 2 Self-Critique

For this first critique, I'll be using my landscape photo that I submitted.

I titled it "Mountains Tower over Cornfields" as I was feeling especially un-creative that day. Allow me to critique it.
Description: A landscape of the cornfield in front of my house with the rocky mountains in the distance. Silhouettes of leaves cover one corner of the image and touch another as if the photo was taken from a tree.
Analysis: Line is evident in this photo as the road and cornfield's edge provide crisp edges. The leaf silhouettes show shape and space. The sky has a gradient of blue showing value, while the clouds show some gentle shading that has value as well. The textures of the cornfield, distant trees, and mountains are interesting, but not enough to overwhelm the viewer. There are various colors in this piece, but yellow and green are the most noticeable. The corn stalks are repetitive and provide pattern and rhythm to the image. The large proportion of the leaves in comparison to the rest of the objects in the landscape is a bit overpowering. The balance is also a bit off due to the position of the leaf silhouettes and the slight diagonal line of the road.
Interpretation: The sight of cornfields and mountains is a common view where I live, but beauty can always be found in the common things of life.
Evaluation: This photo is a good, quality landscape, and I tried capturing a landscape from an interesting angle.