Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Introducing Rykett

Hi, my name's Noelle, but I'm known on the internet as Rykett (hence the blog name). I usually draw stuff, but this blog's mostly dedicated to the photos I take (Perhaps I could post art every once in a while if you guys would like to see some). I haven't actually taken any photos for this blog as of yet, but I figured I should still start with a bang and display a pic. So, here's my favorite photo manipulation from last year's Image Design class. See if you can actually tell what it is! It took my brothers a while to figure it out, but it's quite obvious to me. Also, bonus points go to anyone of you who happened to take Image Design with me and remembers it.
Birds of a feather...
I adore fantasy and as I mentioned earlier I love to draw. I love all animals, but birds and wolves hold a special place in my heart (Birds because I once raised a baby starling from blind to flying one spring and wolves because I love to write stories about them). Leave a comment below if you'd like. I treasure every one and will try hard to reply to them all.

-Rykett out! <3


  1. I love this pic SOOO much! I remember this from last year, and I'm so stunned. I look forward to seeing your pictures!

    1. Aw! Thank you! <3
      Yay, for Image Design!
      *digital high five*
      Onward to Digital Photography!

  2. Very cool! :D I adore fantasy as well. My stories are actually centered around it. That drawing, photo is so cool *insert...Awe face? XD*

  3. Thanks! All my stories are written around fantasy too! Most of what I read and draw is also centered around fantasy. Though that pic's not really one of my drawings, it's a photo manipulation. :P I wish I could draw that well! XD

    1. Oh wait! Did you mean my profile pic? XD Sorry! I misunderstood! Thank you! It was drawn for my my Starris on Deviantart. It's one of my wolf characters. His name's Ruko. :)

    2. Well know that I look at both, they're both pretty cool! And you're on DA? Cool, me too xD

    3. Thank you! :D And yep, I'm Rykett on there, too! XD I'd love to check out some of your art! What's your username on DA?

  4. Replies
    1. Cool! I love all those comics you drew! I keep trying to do a comic, but it's taking forever! XD

    2. Yeah, comics can be a pain. And thank you :D

    3. But, they do turn out so wonderfully! And you're welcome! Lol
